
Natural Chlorophyll(Spinach Extract)

This product is a natural pigment which extracted from spinach.

【Color Index】 E 140

【CAS No】 11006-34-1

【Molecular formula and molecular Weight】

                           Molecular formula   Molecular weight

Magnesium chlorophyll        C55H72O5N4Mg     892.3

Magnesium chlorophyll        C55H70O6N4Mg     906.3

【Characteristics】 Black green paste, easily soluble in acetone, ether, chloroform, slightly soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water.

【Quality standard】Japanese Food Additive Standard Version VIIII.

【Storage】Store in cool and dry place, light resistance, in closed container.

Shandong Guangtongbao Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
No.3107 Dongjing Road, Economy Development District, Qingzhou City,262500,Shandong,China
Tel:0086 536 3223585
Fax:0086 536 3235805

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